
Firmware must be signed to install on the board. Axsign is a program for signing firmware.

usage) axsign firmware_file private_key
       axsign -v


Axtool is a program for communicating with the Axio Builder on the host. The usage of axtool is as follows.

axtool [option] SERIAL_PORT
  -b FILE : Update the second bootloader.
  -f FILE : Update the firmware.
  -i FILE : Install a certificate.
  -d FILE : Delete a certificate. FILE is a private key.
  -s      : Second Bootloader Version.
  -v      : Axtool Version.
  -h      : Help.

SERIAL_PORT specifies the name of the USB COM device of the recognized board. (Ex /dev/ttyUSB0, COM3)

Generate and use custom certificate

The authentication algorithm uses prime256v1 among the elliptic curves. Currently, the certificate type is not supported for signature verification, but is used simply as a public key. If the EC prime256v1 key pair does not yet exist and is for testing purposes, you can generate ‘Elliptic Curve Key Pair’.

  • Generate Private Key (Curve: prime256v1)
    openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -noout -out private.pem
  • Generate Public Key
    openssl ec -in private.pem -pubout -out public.pem

To verify that the firmware has not been forgery during Axio Builder boots, the firmware must be signed and the certificate must be installed on the board. The certificate can only be downloaded once, and if there is a certificate on the board, it must be removed and then downloaded again.

  • Remove certificate
    axtool -d [private.pem] [SERIAL_PORT]
    Please reset the board.
    The installed certificate has been removed successfully.
    Please reset the board.
  • Download certificate install(download) certificate on the board.
    axtool -i [public.pem] [SERIAL_PORT]
    Please reset the board.
    Download Success.
    Please reset the board.

Other commands

  • update second bootloader
    axtool -b second_loader.bin [SERIAL_PORT]
    Please reset the board.
    Download Success.
    Please reset the board.

    The second_loader.bin is provided by Security Platform.

  • update firmware
    axtool -f [firmware.bin.sig] [SERIAL_PORT]
    Please reset the board.
    Download Success.
    Please reset the board.

    Update the firmware signed by axsign on the board.

  • check second bootloader version
    axtool  -s [SERIAL_PORT]
    Please reset the board.
    Second Bootloader Version: 1.2.2

    The latest version of second bootloader is 1.2.2.

  • check axtool version
    axtool -v
    Axtool Version: 1.2.2

    The latest version of axtool is 1.2.2.